ARCHIE-TEST-Laboratory Diagnostics
Course data
Welcome to the course!
Week 0 - Introduction & preparation for the online course
W0.1 Declaration: Plagiarism and Cheating
W0.2 Declaration: Minimum criteria to join the face-to-face module of the DR TB course
W0.3 Introduction
W0.3.A Short Quiz
W0.3.B Expectations Padlet
W0.3.C Discussion Forum "Introduction"
W0.3.D Repository - WHO guidelines
W0.3.E Exercise: Submit an assignment
W0.3.F Google Doc Case Study
W0.4 Here is your faculty!
W0.5 Navigation guide link
W0.6 Assignment 1 Case Study Word
W0.7 Pre-test
Week 1 - Know your epidemic
W1.1 Know your epidemic
W1.2 Discussion forum Know your epidemic
W1.3 Google Doc Know your epidemic
W1.4 Repository
W1.5 Know your epidemic (assignment 2)
Week 2 - Measures of DR TB test performance
W2.2 Discussion forum
W2.3 Assignment 3 Case study presentation
W2.4 Repository
Week 3 - Laboratory - How to diagnose TB and rifampicin resistance?
W3.1 Laboratory - How to diagnose TB and rifampicin resistance?
W3.1. Case study 2: DR Congo
W3.2 Discussion forum
W3.3 Google Doc How do you diagnose TB and anti-TB drug resistance?
W3.4 Repository
W3.5 assignment
Week 4 - Laboratory - How to diagnose resistance to other drugs?
W4.1 Laboratory - How to diagnose resistance to other drugs?
W4.2 Discussion forum
W4.3 Repository
Week 5 - DR TB drugs & regimens
W5.1 DR-TB treatment
W5.2 Discussion forum
W5.3 Repository
Week 6 - DR TB drugs & regimens in complex cases
W6.1 DR TB drugs & regimens in complex cases
W6.2 Discussion forum
W6.3 Quiz Assignment
W6.4 Repository
Week 7 - Harm, benefit, threshold for making a decision which regimen to use
W7.1 Clinical decision making in DR-TB
W7.2 Discussion Forum Clinical_decision_making
W7.3 Repository
W7.4 Excel engine
W7.5 Case Study powerpoint, adapted to input coaches
W7. Rubric Forum
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ARCHIE-TEST-Laboratory Diagnostics